Job Opportunities

All positions are currently filled—check back for future opportunities!

Volunteer Opportunities at HBS

We have lots of volunteer opportunities at the Station! If you have specific interests that are not listed below, please email the Program Assistant to discuss potential opportunities.

All volunteers are required to complete a Volunteer Application, WCU Volunteer Agreement, and COVID release. Please fill them out completely and drop them off at the HBS Main Office or email them to

Botanical Garden Volunteers

Highlands Botanical Garden needs you — join our intrepid and dedicated group of volunteers!  All levels of experience are welcome — come learn about gardening and landscaping with native plants, or just share your passion for gardening or native plant conservation. Wednesdays are regular volunteer work days, but any schedule can be accommodated.

Adopt-a-Garden Program

Our Adopt-a-Garden program is designed to give volunteers the opportunity to “adopt” one of our many garden areas, such as the Bog Garden, Azalea Walk, or Pollinator Garden. Volunteers would be in charge of tending to their assigned garden each week under the direction of the Horticultural Specialist. Trail maintenance opportunities are available too.

Group Workdays

For more information on volunteering as a group, please email us at