35 events found.
Latest Past Events
LIVESTREAM: A Garden in Every Season Tour
There is always something changing in the Highlands Botanical Garden! Take a virtual guided tour to see what’s new in our demonstration gardens and among the hundreds of species that call our campus home. Tours are on the 1st Monday of every month from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Tours are also every Monday in […]
CANCELED: Grasses Course Begins (18th-22nd)
Grasses of the Southern Appalachians: May 18 - May 22 Dr. Paul Mckenzie, USFWS, Emeritus This class will include a detailed description of the grass flower, inflorescence type, habitat and ecological associations, Tribal affinities, distribution, and habit differences. The class will be taught in four parts: 1) power point presentation and classroom instruction, 2) examination […]
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