Modifications to any previously approved projects must be submitted to the WCU research compliance office and the HBS Executive Director prior to implementation. Modifications include any minor adjustments to the project or significant changes. Significant changes are defined as any change that has a potential impact on the health or well-being of the experimental animals. Minor adjustments are defined as any change that does not have a potential impact on the health or well-being of the experimental animals.
- WCU affiliates seeking to modify an IACUC-approved protocol for their HBS-based research should access the IACUC application portal in InfoED and complete the appropriate form.
- Non-WCU affiliates seeking to modify an IACUC-approved protocol for their HBS-based research can download a Protocol Modification Request Form here. The completed form should be sent via email to the Highlands Biological Station Executive Director (costa@wcu.edu) and the WCU Research Compliance Office (IACUC@wcu.edu).