- WCU-based investigators should first discuss research plans with the HBS Executive Director (costa@wcu.edu) or Associate Director (jlove@wcu.edu) to ensure the biological station has the capacity to support the proposed research.
- Upon receiving initial confirmation from HBS, faculty/staff/students of WCU must submit an “IACUC Animal Use Protocol” in InfoEd describing their research together with any associated permits:
- InfoEd Portal and login: https://wcu.infoedglobal.com/EnableWeb/Portal/Home
- InfoEd information: https://www.wcu.edu/learn/office-of-the-provost/research/sponsored-research/Infoed.aspx
Non-WCU investigators (visiting researchers, including students, faculty, and others seeking to base their research at HBS) whose home institution or organization provides IACUC review.
Please note that all research personnel listed on the application must complete appropriate animal use training before research begins. For researchers who are not affiliated with an organization that provides such training, please reach out to the WCU Research Compliance Office (iacuc@wcu.edu) for instructions on how to affiliate with WCU and complete the required training through the CITI program courtesy of WCU, or with any training-related questions. If training is not complete at the time of application, you will need to send documentation that it has been completed prior to your research start date.
- Non-WCU investigators should first discuss research plans with the HBS Executive Director (costa@wcu.edu) or Associate Director (jlove@wcu.edu) to ensure the biological station has the capacity to support the proposed research.
- Upon receiving initial confirmation from HBS, external investigators should submit the following documentation to the HBS Executive Director (costa@wcu.edu) and the WCU research compliance office (IACUC@wcu.edu):
- A copy of the animal use protocol and documentation of approval from your home institution.
- Any relevant permits.
- A completed HBS IACUC Application, highlighting the activities you are proposing to undertake at Highlands Biological Station. Please attach relevant training certificates to the application.
Non-WCU investigators (visiting researchers, including students, faculty, and others seeking to base their research at HBS) whose home institution or organization does not provide IACUC review.
Please note that all research personnel listed on the application must complete appropriate animal use training before research begins. For researchers who are not affiliated with an organization that provides such training, please reach out to the WCU Research Compliance Office (iacuc@wcu.edu) for instructions on how to affiliate with WCU and complete the required training through the CITI program courtesy of WCU, or with any training-related questions. If training is not complete at the time of application, you will need to send documentation that it has been completed prior to your research start date.
- Non-WCU investigators without their own institutional IACUC approval should first discuss research plans with the HBS Executive Director (costa@wcu.edu) or Associate Director (jlove@wcu.edu) to ensure the biological station has the capacity to support the proposed research.
- Upon receiving initial confirmation from HBS, external investigators should submit the following documentation to the HBS Executive Director (costa@wcu.edu) and the WCU research compliance office (IACUC@wcu.edu):
- A completed HBS IACUC Application, highlighting the activities you are proposing to undertake at Highlands Biological Station. Please attach relevant training certificates to the application.
- Any relevant permits