Erigeron pulchellus var. puchellus

Robin’s Plantain


Composite Family

Erigeron pulchellus, commonly known as “Robin’s plantain” or “Rose” Pretty”, is a Daisy Family member and a widespread plant. The genus Erigeon is also referred to as the “Fleabane” genus.

Being a member of the Asteraceae family, the flowers of E. pulchellus are daisy-like with central pronounced yellow ray flowers and smaller disk flowers on the periphery. The petals are thin and soft pink in color, deepening slightly as the growing season progresses. The flowers themselves emerge in branching clumps, from a basal rosette, in mid-spring lasting for several weeks.

Native sites commonly associated with “Robin’s plantain” include moist slopes, fields, woods, and stream banks. The pillowy flowers often can be seen from your car, dotting the roadsides.

Historically this plant was used by the Cherokee Nation as a means to treat colds, gout and other kidney related ailments.


This plant spreads readily in the landscape via stolons and offers an early season forage for bees and other pollinators.